Terms of Service

You agree to receive photos sorted and edited at the sole discresion of the photographer. All unedited files are the sole property of the photographer and will not be included in any final product received. All photos will be edited as seen fit by the photographer.  Photos can be subject to online, advertising, marketing, and any other forms of media, press, and hard copy as the photographer sees fit. The client has full printing rights. If the client is to publish any photos taken by photographer in any media, professional or otherwise, credit is to be given to photographer. There are no refunds once photos are delivered via online gallery or disc/flash drive. If refund must be issued before gallery is delivered, client will receive their refund MINUS the non refundable retainer that is specifically marked in the contract the client signed. Client agrees to not re edit photos or alter them in any way. Any re editing, or use online without credit to the photographer is prohibited.